The word karma has become a part of mainstream lingo and the understanding of it is often limited and incomplete. The following is an attempt to share with you a bit more about karma. Even this description is somewhat limited in its expression and one requires more studies and time to learn about karma .
The word Karma simplified means to act, to work or perform a deed and every action is governed by the law of cause and effect. The effects are karmic consequences or results of one’s actions. The result of each action bears two types of fruits: the manifested or seen fruit and the unmanifest or unseen fruit.
For example when I drink a cup of coffee, the seen result is the coffee disappears from the cup and the unseen result is that it now becomes a part of my body affecting my energy and mood. On another level, the coffee could be a seen result of me now becoming jittery right after drinking it. An unseen result could be that I become more sharp and aggressive when speaking to others due to the consumption of the coffee.
When our actions align with truth and purpose the result or effect is ease of being or well-being and when they are performed with deceit, manipulation, fear, worry or selfishness they bring about dis-ease. That is why one’s actions that are often disintegrated and not aligned with truth can cause stress, anxiety and depression.
If we want to have Success with our health and well-being Karma needs to be understood…
Like the law of gravity, the law of karma is unavoidable. We only have control over our choices. We can either make them skillfully or unskillfully. The choice is ours, however the result will be determined by the law of karma. And this Karma simplified! When we choose wisely, we gain success.
A good practice is to take time often to reflect and contemplate before you take action. Learn to act mindfully rather than react. Pause. Breath.